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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-284

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INDEX OF NAMES This is an index of the names of members of The Governing Bodies the Officers the Staff and the Committees of the College both past and present Abbay 207 Abbott Rev see Westminster The Very Rev Dean of Ackroyd The Rev 33 36 40 41 43 129 186 Adam General Sir 32 Adams 213 Adams 182 207 Adamson 21 203 Aharoni 209 Ahlston Miss Ε 55 Aitken 219 Alder Miss Ε 57 Aldridge Mrs no Alexander no Alexander 209 Allanson Miss 216 Allan 43 112 193 Allen Rev 187 Allen 182 Allen 208 209 Allen Rev 182 193 Alhnand 182 210 211 Allwood 221 Amery 43 120 218 Amos 57 Anderson 204 Ansted 213 Anstice 191 Appleton Ε 207 Arkosy 57 Armstrong Α 36 43 94 194 195 Arnold Α Η 33 38 43 125 227 Arnott 109 Arthur 33 37 38 43 113 114 215 Artus Miss 200 Ashbridge Sir 31 32 Ashby 43 98 199 Ashton Miss 43 112 193 194 Atkins 182 200 Audigier 200 Ayling Ε 212 Ayres Miss 183 Azevedo D'A 202 Β Bach 219 Bailey Miss no Baker Rev Α 190 Balchin 198 Baldrcy 13 226 Ball Rev 187 Ball 213 Ball 197 Ball Sir 214 Ball 205 Balleine Miss Η 56 Bamford Miss 121 Banbury 214 Bangert 58 Baniol 200 Barak 212 Barber Α 209 Barber Miss 56 Barclay-Smith 217 Barker 206 Barker 181 Barkla 207 Barlow 205 Barnard Ε Α 37 215 216 Barrett 222 Barrett Miss 55 Barrett Τ 204 Barrett 195 Barrington 205 Barron Miss 36 43 95 200 Barry Rev Α 181 Barry Rev 186 Bartlctt 204 Barton 206 Barton no 214 Barton-Wright 214 Bass 58 Bate 191 195 Bath 193 Battic Miss Μ Α 222 Baxter Ε 220 Baxter 195 Baxter Miss 57 Bayley 209 Bazeley Miss Ε 204 Beale 220 Bcale Τ 222 Beales 34 36 43 94 197 203 204 Bcarman Miss 204 Beattie 37 43 III 211 Bcaufoy Α 224 225 226 Bcckley 43 96 201 Bcdnall 201 Beeching Rev 188 Bee vers 43 125 Bell Miss 204 Bell Ε Α 34 37 38 43 120 121 221 223 Bell 37 43 "3 215 Bell 215 Bell 205 Bcllerby 221 Benfield 58 Bcnnet-Clark Τ Α 214 Bennett 211 Bcnjiett 197 Bennett 193 Bcnnie 209 Bendey 219 Bcntley 214 Bentley 202 Bemal 209 Bernard Miss 83 130 Bcrnays Α 20o Berry 193 Bevan 189 201 Bicknall Rev 186 Bigg Miss Α Μ 55 Bilbey 38 43 71 120 217 Billinghurst 216 Bird 198 Bird 198 Birmingham 37 38 43 121 223 Bishop Miss 56 Bishop Dame 43 94 204 Black Sir 31 303
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