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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-227

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Benefactions to King's College 239 Mr Bridges-Adams sum of money under Deed of Covenant to provide an annual prize of £10 to be known as the Jennifer Robinson Memorial Prize and to be awarded to an evening student in the Faculty of Laws on the results of the Intermediate examination The Rockefeller Foundation further grant of $123 000 for continuation of research in the Department of Physics Mr Norman complete set of the Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers since 1920 Mrs Tonks Thirty books from the library of her late husband Arch- deacon Charles Frederick Tonks formerly Vicar of Croydon and at one time Chairman of the Theological Society 1958 The British Empire Cancer Campaign further grant of £1 467 for research in the Department of Physics The State of Louisiana and the Louisiana State Law Institute set of eleven Louisiana law books for the Faculty of Laws The set is one of fifteen being sent to law libraries in Great Britain from the United States in token of the strong bonds of friendship existing between the two countries Taylor Woodrow Ltd Funds to establish prize of £50 to be awarded annually to two students from the Departments of Civil or Mechanical Engin- eering to enable them to spend part of their summer vacation abroad at some centre of Engineering activity The Reverend Tinniswood £200 to establish prize in the Theo- logical Department in memory of his father who was at one time student in the Civil Service Department Babcock and Wilcox Ltd grant of £100 to enable the College to purchase papers letters and drawing relating to early experiments of Sir Charles Wheatstone and others The Late Miss Janet Perry formerly Lecturer in Spanish £500 for the assistance of students in the Department of Spanish 1959 Professor Boxer and Mr Morrison Secretary to the Government of Kuching Sarawak number of letters The Alpine of Augsburg Germany An air jet sieving machine for the Department of Mechanical Engineering Mr Clee who attended the College during the last decade of the nine- teenth century £1 000 German bond to form the basis of Clee Bequest to be used at the discretion of the Principal for general College purposes Mr Clee subsequently gave five hundred £1 shares in National Provincial Bank Ltd
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