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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-215

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Names of the Past and Present Staff 225 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Professors Assistant Lecturers 1890 David Sing Capper 1919 John Rodger inst 1920 Harold Gordon Campbell sc 1921 Gilbert Cook sc mech 1921 Allan George Rosevere eng com Reader J923 Hugh Major Clarke sc Λ t-v J927 Edmund Giffen sc mech 1926 Sydney John Davies sc eng wh ex mech Demonstrators 1891 Henry Frederic William Burstall 1920 Charles Anthony Geneve sc mech struct 1&g6 Harry Morton Waynforth Appointed Senior Lecturer inst 1923 1924 Harold Gordon Campbell sc 1931 Edmund Giffen sc ph Asststant Demonstrator mech 1900 Victor Mesham James inst In 193s the Departments of Civil and Mechanical Engineering were combined CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Professors 19211 Gilbert Cook sc inst mech Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Head of Department 1935 Charles Henry Lobban sc ce Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of Department 19372 Sydney John Davies sc eng ph wh ex mech Professor of Mechani- cal Engineering Head of Department from 1946 1946 Allan Dawson Ross sc ph ce Professor of Civil Engineering Head of Department from 1955 19553 Leslie James Kastner sc mech Professor of Mechanical Engineer- ing Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering from 1956 1961 John Kevin Tyrie Llewellyn Nash Professor of Civil Engineering Horace Edgar Rose sc eng ph mech chem Professor of Powder Technology Readers 19374 Edmund Giffen sc ph mech Reader in Mechanical Engineering 1946 Leroy Arthur Beaufoy sc ph mech Reader in Civil Engineering 1948 Horace Edgar Rose sc eng ph mech Reader in Mechanical Engineering 1949s Arnold William Hendry sc eng ph cl 1951 John Kevin Tyrie Llewellyn Nash Reader in Civil Engineering Afterwards Regius Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics University of Glasgow and Afterwards Dean of the Royal Military College of Science Shrivenham Formerly Professor at University College Swansea Afterwards Professor at Queen Mary College London Afterwards first Professor of Engineering at Gordon College Khartoum From 1947 the Department of Civil Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Separated in October 1956 into three separate departments Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering-see pp 226 and 227 Η
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