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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-212

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222 Names of the Past and Present Staff Demonstrators 18711 David Ferrier 1927 1872 Urban Pritchard 1879 James William Groves 1928 Arthur Robert Wyatt Sedgefield 1929 1930 1883 Walter Tyrrell Brooks 1884 James William Barrett 19328 Edward Felix Herroun 1885 Edgar March Crookshank 1933 18872 Charles James Martin sc 1891 Peyton Todd Bowman Beale 1934 1891 Thomas Grigor Brodie 1935 1894 Percy Cooper Colls 18953 Herbert Willoughby Lyle 1936 19044 Arthur Edmunds sc 1905 Richard Henry Cyril Gompertz 1937 sc 1938 1907 Alfred Walter Sikes sc 1910 Victor William Draper sc י 1914s David Henriques de Souza sc 1940 1918 Warner Collins sc 1941 1941 Ludlow Moody 19196 Cecil Wakeley 1942 1944 1923 Frederick David Stevenson Drane sc 1944 1924 Harry Gordon Reeves sc 1945 1925' Albert Hemingway sc ch 1948 1926 Hugh Benjamin Allen Radcliffc Densham sc Marion Alice Battie sc Ronald Kington Christy sc Assistant Demonstrators 1902 Arthur Edmunds sc 1922 Dorothy Steabben sc Hugh Alexander Dunlop cp Agnes Shore sc William John Boyd sc John Wakefield de Witt Thornton ch Otto Gustave Edholm sc Richard Ernest Waterston sc μ β ch Frederick Samuel Gorrill sc Hugh Alexander Dunlop hon dem Norman Edgar Williams sc Irene Florence Agnes Thomson sc Douglas Graham Harvey sc Eric John Miller sc ph Leslie Gordon Kiloh sc John Charnley sc ch Caroline Margaret Souter sc Jacqueline Stewart Falconer sc Yvonne Mary Way sc ph Anne Simcoe Cole sc John Godfrey Heathcote sc Muriel Elizabeth Sidaway Frank Gordon Strong John Alfred Cunningham Howie For Public Health see former Calendars For former staff of the Faculty of Medicine and of King's College Hospital see Calendars before 1910-11 Later Sir David Chairman Governing Body Lister Inst Afterwards Sir Charles Director of the Lister Inst Ophthalmic Surgeon Surgeon Physician of Westminster Hospital Senior Surgeon Afterwards Professor of Physiology University 0J Leeds Afterwards Professor of Physiology Royal Veterinary College Afterwards Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon Manchester Royal Infirmary
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