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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-182

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192 Names of the Past and Present Staff Assistant 1860 James John Heywood 1920 Edward Basil Hall 1923 Stanley Alexander Handford 1948 Albert John Gossage Gordon Willis Williams 1951 Alexander Dalzell 1955 John Bryan Hainsworth Lecturers 1955 Gerald Alan Longman 1957 Harry MacLeod Currie 1958 Michael Percy Child 1959 Brenda Joy Redmayne 1960 Andrew William Lintott 1961 Mary Herbbrg ANCIENT HISTORY Professor 1959 Howard Hayes Scullard ph Readers 19131 John Knight Fotheringham lit 19253 Eric Herbert Warmington 19212 Max Ludwig Wolfram Laistner 1935 Howard Hayes Scullard ph For Art and Assyriology see former Calendars MATHEMATICS Professors 19247 Arthur Ernest Jolliffe George Temple ph sc John Greenlees Semple ph Hermann Bondi Albrecht Frohlich sc ph 18304 Thomas Grainger Hall 1869 William Henry Drew 193 2s 1882s William Henry Hoar Hudson 1936 1903 Stuart Arthur Frank White 1912 John William Nicholson 1954 sc sc 1962 19226 George Barker Jeffery sc Assistant Professors 1879 James John Heywood 1903 John Borthwick Dale Readers 1936' George Cunlifie McVittie ph 194610 Evan Tom Davies ph sc 194711 Richard Rado dr phil ph 195012 Douglas Malcolm Aufrere Leggett ph 95313 David Bernard Scott sc 195414 Thomas Vivian Davies sc 1955 Jan Aibrecht Frohlich sc ph 1959 Clive William Kilmister sc ph 1960" Philip Geoffrey Saffman ph 1961 Felix Arnold Edward Pirani sc sc ph 1962 Philip John Higcins ph 1964 Simon Rosenblat sc ph Fellow of Magdalen College Oxford Afterwards Professor of History Cornell University Afterwards Professor of Classics at Birkbeck College Fellow and Tutor of Magdalen College Cambridge and Prebendary of St Paul's Fellow and Lecturer of St John's College Cambridge Afterwards Director of the University of London Institute of Education ל Late Fellow and Tutor of Corpus Christi College Oxford Hon Fellow of Corpus Christi College and of Jesus College Oxford Afterwards Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy Oxford and י Afterwards Professor at Qtteen Mary College London and later in the University of Illinois 10 Afterwards Professor at the University of Southampton 11 Afterwards Professor at the University of Reading 12 Afterwards Principal of Battersea College of Science and Technology 13 Afterwards Professor at the University of Sussex 14 Afterwards Professor at the University College of Wales Aberystwyth 15 Afterwards Professor at University of California
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