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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-53

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52 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL COLLEGE RULES Students are required to make themselves familiar with the following Rules and Regulations laid down for their guidance and students shall not be entitled to any of the privileges or benefits of students unless they duly conform to and observe such Rules and Regulations Fees and Admission of Students All fees are payable in advance at the beginning of the term or session Refund or remission of fees can be made only in special circumstances half-term's notice in writing must be given to the Secretary of the removal of student from the College This notice must be given before the close of the first half of the term in which the student is to leave otherwise an additional half-term's fees must be paid Applicants for admission to the College will not be accepted except in the case of some students from overseas without being interviewed by the Dean of the Faculty which they desire to enter or his representative and in the case of women applicants by the Tutor to Women Students If admitted as students they will receive signed form which must be presented at the College Office On payment of the fees due card of admission to the classes will be issued The admission card must be taken for signature within the first two weeks of each term to each member of the teaching staff whose class is attended and no student will be allowed to continue in attendance after this period unless his card has been presented No student can be admitted to the College without testimonial of good character β The special permission of the Principal will be required for the admission of any student before his or her seventeenth birthday Applicants after being accepted for courses for University of London degrees diplomas or certificates are responsible for complying with the regulations of the University regarding eligibility for matricula- tion registration as internal students of the University attendance at recognized courses completion of entry forms and payment of fees for examinations and other matters In any difficulty advice may be sought in the Registrar's office but the College will not accept responsi- bility in any case of failure to comply with the University's regulations student whose progress or conduct has been unsatisfactory may be refused readmission to the College at the commencement of any term At the beginning of each session students must register with the Dean of their Faculty or his representative Women students must also be interviewed by the Tutor to Women Students once during each session All students are required to inform the College of their term- time address when they enrol and to notify any change of address during their course to the Secretary in writing immediately such change occurs
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