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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-52

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GENERAL INFORMATION 51 that books borrowed on Friday afternoon need not be returned until the following Monday morning 28 Books which are in constant demand are designated short loan books and may be borrowed for one week only in term Such book shall not be borrowed again by the same person within one week of its return 29 There is no time limit on the loan of any other book save as is imposed under rules 30-32 but in the interest of other readers no book shall be retained unnecessarily by any borrower 30 reader may request the Librarian to recall any book after it has been in the possession of the borrower for one week The borrower shall then return the book to the Library within three days in term or within one week in vacation 31 All books shall be returned to the Library for checking by the first Monday of the Michaelmas term They may be reissued on the follow- ing day 32 Students shall return all books to the Library by the first Monday of each term regardless of the date of borrowing They may be reissued on the following day 33 Borrowers who fail to return books by the dates prescribed for their return under Library rules 27 28 30 31 or 32 shall be liable to pay fine of 2s per volume Students who fail to comply with this rule may in addition be suspended from the use of the Library until all books have been returned and all fines paid 34 Students may borrow books for the long vacation only on pro- duction of completed form of authorisation showing that they are returning to College in the following session Printed forms of authorisa- tion may be obtained from the General Library and are to be returned there before borrowing 35 Before removing book from the Library the borrower shall sign and deposit borrower's voucher legibly completed in all relevant particulars On returning book to the Library the borrower shall enter particulars of the book and his name legibly in the returned books register provided In those libraries where only borrower's register is in use the borrower shall enter the particulars required and his name legibly before book is removed and shall cancel the entry on returning the book by entering the date of return 36 Books may be borrowed for the personal use of the borrower only and shall not be passed on to any other person whether entitled to use the Library or not save with the special permission of the Librarian 37 No borrower shall take any book belonging to the Library outside the United Kingdom save with the special permission of the Librarian 38 The foregoing rules apply equally to the General Library and to the libraries which are accommodated in teaching departments save in such cases as the Library Committee may from time to time determine Student librarians appointed by the Librarian are responsible to him for the observance of these rules in the libraries which they supervise
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