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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-50

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GENERAL INFORMATION 49 LIBRARY RULES Admission to the Library The following persons shall be entitled to be admitted to the Library to read and borrow members of the Council or the Delegacy for the time being Fellows of the College members of the academic staff of the College senior members of the administrative and library staffs of the College regular students of the College The following persons may be admitted to the Library to read and borrow on making application to the Librarian junior members of the administrative and library staffs members of the technical and maintenance staffs of the College on the written recommendation of the heads of their departments The following persons may be admitted to read and borrow on application to the Librarian the privilege of borrowing being limited in each case to books in their subjects of study in the College occa- sional students of the College except that those who have not paid the appropriate Library fee one guinea per session 10 per term are admitted to read only δ students of other Schools of the University in faculties other than Laws attending intercollegiate lectures in the College Students of other Schools of the University in the Faculty of Laws may be admitted to read in the Library on application to the Librarian Other fit persons may be admitted to read and consult books in the Library at the discretion of the Librarian and on production of satisfactory recommendation In special cases they may also be granted the privilege of borrowing from the Library under such condi- tions as the Library Committee may determine Discipline All persons using the Library shall be subject to the discipline of the College Any grave or continued breach of these rules will be reported by the Librarian to the Principal or in the case of Theological student to the Dean Silence and good order shall be maintained in the Library Smoking is forbidden in the Library Bottles of ink shall not be brought into the Library 10 Places at reading tables shall not be reserved 11 Readers' clothing and other personal property shall not be allowed to encumber the Library 12 No notices posters or other advertisements shall be displayed on Library premises save with the consent of the Librarian 13 No reader when writing shall place the writing paper on any book belonging to the Library nor shall he write in the book nor mark it nor allow it to be damaged in any way No Library book shall be used in laboratory in such circumstances as to jeopardise its safety 14 reader shall be responsible for the replacement of any book lost or damaged whilst in his possession or for the payment of such fine as may be determined by the Principal If the book be one of set or series the borrower may be called upon to replace the whole set or series
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