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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-481

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lxxxiv ANNUAL REPORT Dawes Editor of series Advances in Parasitology First vol to appear October 1962 The ecological branch of Russian parasitology 1' Review of Dogiel Petrushevski and Polyanski Parasitology of Fishes Nature 192 832-3 1961 Juvenile liver-fluke in mice Synopsis No 30-1 1961 The ecology of parasites New Scientist 39 1961 Review of Noble and Noble Parasitology the biology of animal parasites Inst Biol 16 1962 Protozoa and the new systematics of the Ciliata Review of Mackinnon and Hawes An Introduction to the study of the Pro- tozoa Nature 193 308-9 1962 "The monogenetic trematodes Russian view Review of Β Bychowsky Monogenetic trematodes their systematics and phylogeny Nature 194 55-6 1962 Eltringham The effect of salinity upon the boring activity and survival of Limnoria Isopoda mar biol Ass 41 785-97 1961 with Hockley Migration and reproduction of the wood- boring isopod Limnoria in Southampton Water Limnology and Oceanography 467-82 1961 Aerial surveys 1959-60 Wildfowl Trust Ann Rep 12 19-22 1961 with Atkinson-Willes Recent population changes in British ducks Wildfowl Trust Ann Rep 12 40-57 1961 Hawkins Shirley with Cole and Danielli Preliminary studies on the basis of cytoplasmic inheritance in amoebae Nature 196 396 1962 Wolpert with Gustafson Studies on the cellular basis of morpho- genesis of the sea-urchin embryo directed movements of primary mesenchyme cells in normal and vegetalized larvae Exptl Cell Res 24 64 1961 Development of the skeletal pattern Exptl Cell Res 25 311 1961 The formation of the blastula Exptl Cell Res 25 374 1961 with Gustafson The forces that shape the embryo Dis- covery November 1961 with Mercer Ε An electron microscope study of the cortex of the sea-urchin Psammechinus miliaris egg Exptl Cell Res 27 1962 with O'Neill Isolation of the cell membrane of Amoeba proteus Exptl Cell Res 24 592 1961
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