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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-472

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ANNUAL REPORT Ixxv Burge B- and Cole Ε compact photoelectrically balanced spectropolarimeter Institute of Physics and Physical Society Handbook 1962 137 Burge and Smith new calculation of electron scattering cross-sections and theoretical discussion of image contrast in the electron micro- scope Proc Phys Soc 79 1962 673 Electron microscopy at high beam accelerating voltages Nature 195 1962 140 Hanson The structure of muscle cells and the mechanism of contraction Science Survey ed Haslett and St John Vista Books London 1961 Lowy and Millman Mechanical properties of smooth muscles of cephalopod mol- luscs Physiol 160 1962 353 Marvin Α Spencer Wilkins Μ and Hamilton The molecular configuration of DNA III X-ray diffraction study of the form of the lithium salt Mol Biol 1961 547 Pelc Coombes and Budd On the adaptation of autoradiographic techniques for use with the electron microscope Exp Cell Res 24 1961 192 Pelc Incorporation of tritiated thymidine in various organs of the mouse Nature 193 1962 793 Randall On the stalks of certain peritrichs Phil Trans Roy Soc 245 1962 719 Aspects of the life and work of James Clerk Maxwell Nature 195 1962 427 Silvester and Burge method for the routine evaluation of dry mass from electron micrographs Roy Micr Soc 81 1962 35 Smith and Burge The analytical representation of atomic scattering amplitudes for electrons Acta Cryst 15 1962 182 Spencer Fuller Wilkins Μ and Brown Determination of the helical configuration of RNA molecules by X-ray diffraction study of crystalline amino-acid-transfer RNA Nature 194 1962 1014 Wilkins Μ The molecular structure of DNA Chim Phys 1961 891
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