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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-471

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Page content

I xxi ν Λ Ν Ν "Λ UKPURT Kaffman On hydromagnetic waves 01' finite amplitude in cold collision- free plasma of Fluid Mechanics 11 1961 550-6 The structure of hydromagnetic front in cold plasma of Fluid Mechanics 12 1962 81-7 The flow of dusty gas between rotating cylinders Nature 193 1962 463 Saffman and Alexandrou On the final stage of decay of current blob in conducting fluid in uniform magnetic field יי Quart Mech App Math 14 1961 437 Scott Lifting of correspondences between algebraic surfaces and the fundamental theorem for correspondences with Albanese valen- cies Proc London Math Soc XI 1961 729-40 Correspondences between algebraic surfaces Rendiconti di Matematica 20 395-402 Lecture delivered at CIME collo- quium on Differential forms and their integrals at Saltino di Vallombrosa Firenze August 1960 with Ingleton The tangent direction-bundle of an algebraic variety and generalized Jacobians of linear systems Annali di Matematica IV LVI 1961 359-73 Editorial assistance given with Sir William Hodge's Differential forms in algebraic geometry Rendiconti di Matematica 20 172-234 Thompson and Kundt Le tenseur de Weyl et une congruence associee de geodesiques isotropes sans distortion '1 Comptes Rendus Acad Sci Paris 254 1962 4257-9 Tims Reviews for Engineering journals Tyrrell "The Enriques threefold Proc Camb Phil Soc 57 1961 897-8 FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF BIOPHYSICS Brown RNA and bacterial genetics Brit Med Bull 18 1962 10 Brown Kosinski and Carr Properties of amino-acid-transfer RNAs from different or- ganisms Colloques lnlernationaux du No 106 Strasbourg 1961
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