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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-470

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ANNUAL REPORT lxxiii Frohlich Discriminants and module invariants over Dedekind domain Malliematika 1961 170-2 The module structure of Kummerextensions over Dedekind domains Journal fur die reine und angeivandte mathematik 209 1962 39-53 Non abelian homological algebra II Varieties Proc Lond Math Soc 12 1962 1-28 On the 1-class group of the field Ρ 'λ Lond Math Soc remark on the class field tower of the field PCVm Lond Math Soc Frohlich Α Tate and Serre different with an odd class Journal fur die reine und angewandte mathematik 209 1962 6-7 Kilmister The growth of the quantum theory Impulse 17 1961 19-22 Quantum theory the second quarter-century Impulse 18 1961 18-21 new look for Hamiltonian dynamics Proc Edin Math Soc II 12 1961 9-12 The existence of integrals of dynamical systems linear in the velocities Proc Edin Math Soc II 12 1961 13-16 Article on Mossbauer effect for Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics Reviews in Mathematical Reviews Science Abstracts Impulse Proc Phys Soc New Scientist Kilmister and Newman The use of algebraic structures in physics Proc Camb Phil Soc 57 1961 851-864 Pirani Chapter Gravitation An Introduction to Current Research ed Witten Wiley 1962 Survey of gravitational radiation theory in Recent Developments in General Relativity PWN Warsaw 1962 89-105 Space research-for war or peace Tribune February 1962 Reviews in Mathematical Reviews Physics Abstracts and elsewhere Pirani and Schild Geometrical and physical interpretation of the Weyl conformal curvature tensor Bull Acad Polon Sci Ser Sci Math Astron Phys 1961 543-7 Reeve and Tyrrell Intersection theory on singular algebraic surface 5' Proc Lond Math Soc 12 1962 29-54 "The quadratic threefold cone of S4 Mathematika 1961 87-98
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