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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-467

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lxx ANNUAL REPORT Lewie Η Reviews of Stephen Findlay Immortal Longings Hibbert April 1962 Frederick Ferre Language Logic and God International Philosophical Quarterly May 1962 Wolfson Religious Philosophy Philosophical Books June 1962 Owen The theology of Coleridge The Critical Quarterly Spring 1962 Reviews of John Macquarrie The Scope of Demythologizing of Theological Studies January 1962 Ulrich Simon The Ascent to Heaven Theology June 1962 Parrinder Comparative Religion Allen Unwin West African Religion Epworth 2nd ed revised and rewritten Early Buddhist Dates Hibbert October 1961 Religion in 1961 Annual Register 1962 "African Church advance West African Review November 1961 Reviews of Laski Ecstasy British of Sociology April 1962 Neill Christian Faith and Other Faiths London Quarterly Review April 1962 Bhagavad Gita trans by Mascaro World Faiths May 1962 Pauw Religion in Tswana Chiefdom of Ecclesiastical History October 1961 Welbourn East African Rebels Man November 1961 Taylor Christians of the Copperbelt African Affairs October 1961 Abrecht Churches and Rapid Social Change Expository Times April 1962 de Vries Man in Rapid Social Change Expository Times April 1962 DEPARTMENT OF OLD TESTAMENT STUDIES Ackroyd Continuity Inaugural Lecture at King's College London Black- well 1962 Hosea Haggai Zechariah The New Peake Commentary 1962 Knight's Christian Theology of the Old Testament' Expository Times March 1962 Survey of Old Testament literature Theology August 1962 The message of Amos Learning for Living September 1962 Revision of articles in Chambers's Encyclopaedia Editor of Faith Bible Word Books Black 1961 British Editor of Our Living Bible Oldbourne Press 1962 Appointed Joint Editor of Cambridge Bible Commentary New English Bible Press Old Testament Library Press Studies in Biblical Theology
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