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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-463

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Page content

lxvi ANNUAL REPORT DEPARTMENT OF PALAEOGRAPHY Brown Some manuscript fragments illuminated for Pope Gregory XIII British Museum Quarterly XXIII 1960-61 pp 2-5 pi with Meredith-Owens and Turner Manuscripts from the Dyson Perrins Collection ibid pp 27-38 pis XV-XX and frontispiece The fate of Mr Dyson Perrins's mss Portfolio and Art News Annual No 1962 pp 52-69 pis in colour and in black and white Further instalments of English Literary Autographs in The Book Collector with pis DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY Findlay The methodology of normative ethics '1 of Philosophy Critical notice of Gellner Words and Things Indian of Philosophy Pole The bogey of modern philosophy Broadcast talk on the Third Programme published in The Listener Critical notice of Peters Motivation Indian of Philosophy DEPARTMENT OF PORTUGUESE Boxer The Golden Age of Brazil 1695-1750 Growing Pains of Colonial Society University of California Press 1962 450 pp Illustrations and maps The Carreira da India Ships Men Cargoes Voyages Centro de Estudos Historicos Ultramarines as Comemorardes Henriquinas Lisboa 1961 pp 33-82 Mozambique Island and the Carreira da India Studia Revista Semestral No Lisboa 1961 pp 96-132 Also shorter version printed in The Mariner's Mirror Vol 48 Feb 1962 pp 3-18 Missionaries and merchants of Macao 1557-1687 Coloquio Iniernacional de Estudos Luso-Brasileiros Lisboa 1957 Vol II Lisboa 1961 pp 210-24 The Anglo-Portuguese Marriage Treaty of 1661 History To day Vol XI No 1961 Various articles in the Dicionario de Historia de Portugal Lisboa 1961- Sousa Rebelo de Translation with preface and notes of William Golding Lord of the Flics Portugalia Editora Lisboa 1961 286 pp
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