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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-459

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lxii annual report APPENDIX IV LIST OP ORIGINAL PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS BY MEMBERS OP THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DURING THE YEAR 1961-62 FACULTY OF ARTS department of classics Courtney More on Valerius Flaccus Classical Review 1962 Parody and Literary Allusion in Menippean Satire Philologus 1962 Review of "Towards Text of Cicero ad Atticum by Shackleton Bailey Hermathena 1961 Gossage Statius Thebaid 593 Classical Review 1962 Reviews in Classical Review and of Hellenic Studies Hainsworth Odysseus and the Dogs Greece and Rome 1961 Verginius and Vindex Historia 1962 Handford Review of 2nd edn of Hausrath Aesop Corpus fabularum Aesopicarum Vol Fasc revised by Hunger of Hellenic Studies Maguinness Ovid Tristia IV iv 7-10 Classical Review 1962 Reviews Maguinness and Scullard Η Fourth edition edited and revised Stobart The Grandeur that was Rome Sidgwick and Jackson 1961 Also American edition of same Hawthorn Books New York 1962 Scullard Η History of the Roman World 753-146 Third ed revised Methuen 1961 Eight articles on Roman history for Collier's Encyclopaedia Ancient History to 500 Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature Reviews Winnington-Ingram The Danaid trilogy of Aeschylus of Hellenic Studies 1961 Review of Pohlmann Griechische Musikfragmente Gnomon 1962
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