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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-453

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Ivi ANNUAL REPORT Higher Degrees Ph Κ Gubbins Solid mixing studies in fluidized bed Ph Langmaid An investigation into the mechanical properties of powders in relation to their use as electrical insulators Ph White An investigation of the flow through poppet valves under static and dynamic conditions Sc Eng Μ Cox Stress changes in clay due to the construction of bore hole Sc Eng Μ Lebotsa The post-buckled behaviour of the web of plate web girder '1 Faculty Notes Colonel Η Clarke retired from the full-time staff of the Electrical Engineering department at the end of the 1960-61 session but as his post remained unfilled until the Easter term he continued as part- time member of staff giving the lecture course in Machines to Part III students As recorded earlier in the Report Dr Japolsky retired at the end of the session after ten years of service as Special Lecturer in Electromagnetics The department has benefited greatly from Dr Japolsky's association with postgraduate students and from the lively inspiration of his teaching Professor Greig paid visit during the Lent term on behalf of the Senate Committee on Colleges Overseas in Special Relation to the Royal College Nairobi Whilst on that visit he had the opportunity of seeing something of the electricity supply system in Uganda He lectured to the East African Institute of Engineers in Kampala and in Nairobi On the return journey Professor Greig visited the Technion and the Weitzmann Institute in Israel and the Technical University of Athens He has now completed his term of service as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of London Professor Kastner visited universities and colleges of technology and took part in discussions on engineering education in Ceylon Singapore Hong Kong and Aden He lectured to professional engineers and others in Colombo and Hong Kong and acted as external examiner in Mechanical Engineering to the University of Hong Kong Professor Η Rose at the invitation of the Society attended the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan held in Tokyo and Kyoto in November 1961 Whilst in Japan he lectured to various universities and professional bodies On his return journey he lectured in Hong Kong Calcutta Delhi Bombay Ankara and Istanbul Mr Watkins was appointed Chairman of the Board of Staff Examiners in Chemical Engineering Mr Gosney attended the meetings of the International Institu-
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