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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-452

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ANNUAL REPORT Iv Departmental Notes During the year laboratory was reconstructed and equipped for Sc Special students and start was made in modernizing the equipment in the Halliburton Laboratory used by medical students This process has been held up until more money becomes available for development The improved facilities for research have made possible the formation of the nuclei of two research teams Dr Buller and his three co- workers have continued their study of the physiology of fast" and slow ×™ muscles The apparatus they have assembled and the methods they have developed will enable them to study range of problems in neuro-muscular physiology Dr Mendel and his two co-workers have developed means of measuring the pressure exerted by the fibres of heart muscle when they contract The pressure varies from moment to moment and restricts the coronary blood flow knowledge of these pressure changes is essential in understanding the manner in which drugs dilate the coronary blood vessels Dr Taylor acted for some weeks in the summer of 1961 as con- sultant toxicologist to AVorld Health Organization project in Nigeria Dr Gerta Hilton visited the United States and lectured at the Geigy Research Laboratories and New York State University on aspects of neuro-muscular physiology Members of the department have delivered papers before the Physiological Society and the British Division of the International Association for Dental Research FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Number of Students Sc Eng Part 74 Part II 66 Part III 69 Postgraduates Sc Eng 13 Ph 14 Chemical Engineering Diploma Total 244 First Degrees Sc Eng lst Class Honours 2nd Class Honours Upper Division 13 2nd Class Honours Lower Division 17 Pass Degree 32 Diploma in Chemical Engineering
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