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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-450

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ANNUAL REPORT liii Departmental Notes Professor Harris delivered lectures at the Medical School Uni- versity of St Andrews and at the Agricultural Research Council Animal Breeding Research Organization Edinburgh He also took part in and read papers at the Third Marburg Symposium on Genetic defects of biologically active proteins and the Nuffield Foundation Con- ference on Rheumatism Professor Harris served as member of the Visiting Group to the Animal Breeding Research Organization in Edinburgh Dr Bell lectured at Wye College He and Dr Spencer attended the Fifth International Congress of Biochemistry in Moscow The Medical Research Council agreed to establish Research Unit in Human Biochemical Genetics in the department with Professor Harris as Honorary Director DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY Number of Students 249 Occasional Sc Special Physiology Ph Total 261 Results of Examinations For Second results see under Department of Anatomy for Sc Special Physiology see under Department of Physiology Departmental Notes Professor Brownlee was University of London examiner at the University College of the West Indies where he also gave lecture to the Medical Departments During short visit to the United States he lectured at Morris Plains and at Groton Professor Brownlee and Dr Wilson again shared the duties of honorary lecturers in the course of Applied Pharmacology at King's College Hospital where Professor Brownlee also assisted with the Integration Course The research work of the department continued on the broad basis of the mechanisms of action of neuro-humoral transmitters and the development of quantitative methods applied to physiological problems Professor Brownlee and Mr Williams measured tho amounts of catechol amines and of 5-hydroxytryptamine set free by central nervous stimulant drugs Both physiological and biochemical methods were used generous grant from the Wellcome Trustees see 10 enabled
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