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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-449

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lii ANNUAL REPORT Departmental Notes Professor Nicol lectured on Applied Anatomy as previously at St George's Hospital and at the Royal National Throat Hospital He delivered an address on Recent researches on the reticulo-endothelial system at the first of the Faculty of Medical Science seminars held in the department in February In November 1961 he attended the installation ceremony of Professor Β Halpern as Claude Bernard Professor of Experimental Medicine at the College de France Paris He was accompanied by Dr Bilbey and they were later pre- sented to the Soci6t£ de Biologie By invitation he read papers on The reticulo-endothelial system as defence against infection and cancer at the University of Louvain in April and on The effect of reticulo-endothelial stimulation on virulent infections at the Sym- posium of the Reticulo-endothelial Society in Paris in June Dr Bilbey was appointed Examiner in Dental Surgery Anatomy Part to the Royal College of Surgeons and he represented the College on the Board of the Intercollegiate Scholarships Examina- tion By invitation he read paper entitled The molecular basis of drug activity on the reticulo-endothelial system at the Symposium of the Reticulo-endothelial Society in Paris in June Dr Μ McMinn took part in symposium on The patho- physiology of peptic ulcers at the World Congress of Gastroenterology in Munich in May He is collaborating with clinicians from various hospitals in research on the cytological aspects of gastro-intestinal diseases with special reference to malabsorption syndromes As reported already in and following the sudden death in May of Dr Mackinnon Dr Charles has been promoted Senior Lecturer Dr Cordingley delivered course of lectures in Anatomy to the Physiotherapy students at King's College Hospital He was the guest of Emory University Atalanta in January when he delivered an address on Some possible mechanisms in the aetiology of lung cancer The preparation of special dissections for examination purposes and for the Museum continues The chief research interest as previously has been the study of the effect of chemical substances on the activity of the reticulo-endothelial system as defence against infection and cancer laboratory for the use of radioactive isotopes has been completed fluorescent microscope unit has been created and an automatic reflectance densitometer purchased department of biochemistry Number of Students 249 Sc Special Physiology Total 251
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