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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-442

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ANNUAL REPORT xiv Dr Keys has been studying the changes in growth substance content associated with the induction of flowering with particular reference to succulent plants Dr Cresswell is attempting to elucidate the enzymic mechanism of nitrate reduction in higher plants and plans to extend his studies to unicellular algae grown in mass culture Dr Barton Dr Cresswell Dr Jacoby and Mr Smithers gave papers at meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology held at Queen Mary College in January Dr Barton also gave lecture entitled The electron microscope in biological research י at Regent Street Polytechnic Dr Sutcliffe presented paper at meeting of the Society for Experi- mental Biology in Glasgow in April He conducted study weekend arranged by the Institute of Education in Cambridge He lectured to research students at Imperial College to evening students at Watford Technical College and to sixth form schoolboys at Dulwich College and Whitgift School Croydon He also gave series of intercollegiate lectures on The absorption of mineral salts in plants to Botany students in the University of London Dr Metcalfe and Dr Sutcliffe conducted field course for second- year students at Malham Tarn Field Centre Yorkshire similar course for first-year students at Flatford Mill Field Centre was led by Mr Stace former student of the department Dr Μ Wilkins will spend the session 1962-63 at Harvard University on postdoctoral fellowship Dr Metcalfe continued to serve as Secretary to the Board of Studies in Botany and Mr Carpenter to supervise the organization of practical examinations in Botany Zoology and Geology at Brunswick Square Dr Sutcliffe has been invited to edit an important new series of mono- graphs on Experimental Botany to be published by the Academic Press DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Number of Students Sc Ancillary 28 Sc General 43 Sc Sc Special 97 Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Organic Chemistry 31 Inorganic and Physical Chemistry 30 Total 232
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