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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-439

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ANNUAL REPORT dusty gases at the 4th British Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium at Bristol and talked to the Queen Mary College Seminar on Magneto- hydrodynamics on Waves of finite amplitude in cold plasmas Mr Reeve spent six weeks as Visiting Professor at Bonn Uni- versity He gave course of lectures at King's College on Topology for relativists and spoke to the Mathematical Society of Reading University on stochastic process in Genetics Dr Rosenblat acted as Vacation Consultant at the Culham Labora- tories Atomic Energy Research Establishment in July and August 1962 He lectured to the University of London Applied Mathematics Seminar Dr Tyrrell gave course of postgraduate lectures at King's College on The elements of differential topology This session the department has again to thank distinguished visitors for valuable assistance on an honorary basis notably Dr Rindler of Cornell University for giving an advanced lecture course on Aspects of general relativity theory and Dr Penrose for similar course Mention may be made also of the institution of some teaching in Numerical Analysis under Miss Ashton including practical work and it is hoped to extend this important side of the department's work in the future FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF BIOPHYSICS Number of Students Postgraduate Higher Degree Ph Lee Electron microscope studies on fine structure and bacteriophage replication in cells of Escherichia coli and their sphero- plasts Departmental Notes Professor Randall who was later made Knight Bachelor in the Birthday Honours List was appointed Professor of Biophysics and Head of the new department as from October 1st 1961 The new laboratories in Drury Lane to be known as the Wellcome Biophysics Laboratories are now in course of construction under the direction of the College architects with Mr Jefferiss Mathews as consultant They will accommodate also the Medical Research Council's Biophysics Research Unit and are expected to be ready for the beginning of the session 1963-64 Changes in the staff are listed in The staff of the new depart- ment accordingly will be Sir John Randall Professor and Honorary Director of the Research Unit Dr Burge
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