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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-428

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ANNUAL REPORT Dr Η Η Thoma had leave-of-absence for part of the summer term in order to help compile descriptive catalogue of classical and mediaeval manuscripts in Bavarian libraries Dr use Graham lectured to the Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures in November on Mind without medium reflections on Emilia Galotti and Werthers Leiden Dr Middleton spent the academic year as Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures of the University of Texas He read papers on Dada and Expressionism and on Dada and Politics to the Journal Club and the Fortnightly Club respectively At the University of Michigan he lectured on Dada and Politics under the auspices of the German Department there He also gave poetry readings in the University of Texas Program of Criticism and at the University of Michigan At the invitation of the Dean of King's College Mr Beckley lectured on Kafka to the Theological Faculty In the Lent term members of the German Society gave two per- formances of Der Besuch der alten Dame by Diirrenmatt at the Institute of Education Three students intercalated year teaching in German schools DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY Number of Students General and Subsidiary 34 Honours 84 Postgraduate of whom 10 are reading Imperial History 19 Total First Degrees Honours lst Class 2nd Class Upper Division 13 2nd Class Lower Division 14 Higher Degrees Heath The parish clergy in England 1450-1530 Mason The income administration and disposal of the monastic lands in Lancashire from the Dissolution to 1558 Departmental Notes An extract from the Minutes of the Delegacy on the retirement of Professor Williams is included on iv
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