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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-426

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ANNUAL REPORT the International Studies Conference held in April in the University of Pennsylvania He organized seminar on American literature and American culture and while in Philadelphia gave talk on con- temporary Englishman looks at contemporary American literature י to the Franklin Inn Club In July he gave two lectures during con- ference on contemporary America held by the Information Service at New College Oxford and in August spoke on The American novel in the nineteenth century at the University of London Summer School at Wye College Kent Mr Pearsall lectured on Some aspects of style in Middle English poetry יי to the London Medieval Society DEPARTMENT OF FRENCH Number of Students General and Subsidiary 108 Honours 91 Postgraduate 11 Total 210 In addition students were spending the year in France as Assistants First Degrees Honours lst Class 2nd Class Upper Division 12 2nd Class Lower Division 10 3rd Class Higher Degree with Distinction Miss Marion Stapleton The moral attitude of Montherlant Departmental Notes In the Michaelmas term by kind permission of the Director of the Institut Fran9ais du Royaume-Uni Monsieur Pierre Citron gave special lecture on L'influence de Rousseau sur la vision de Paris dans la literature fran9aise de la fin du 18eme sincle Professor Cocking was elected to the committee of the Associa- tion of Heads of French Departments At Easter Dr Landers organized and took part in Vacation Course in French for External Students at the invitation of the University Dr Weightman read paper to the Annual Conference of
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