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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-420

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ANNUAL REPORT xiii £160 150 Rates Heat Light Water and Power particularly the last item have all proved more expensive The total expenditure for the year was £1 073 000 and the total income was £1 083 400 resulting in surplus of £10 400 on the year's working Both the men's hostels were full throughout the session At King's College Hall there was deficit of £50 £800 surplus last year and at Halliday Hall surplus of £1 700 £1 500 last year At both Halls the Vacation Lettings were again good but had advantage not been taken of the C's permission to charge certain items-rent rates and external repairs being the most significant-against College expenditure Halliday Hall would have shown deficit and King's College Hall's deficit would have been greater During the year 1961-62 capital grants totalling £250 292 were made available to the College by the University Grants Committee through the Court of the University Of this £13 071 was for the acquisition of freehold and leasehold property £232 405 for constructional work and £4 816 for furniture and equipment 10 benefactions and grants for research The Delegacy of the College gratefully acknowledge benefactions and grants in aid of research as indicated from the following sources Anonymous donor £250 000 for the erection of men's hall of residence Mr Bloy has increased the value of the prize in Powder Science announced last year from ten guineas to twenty guineas The Castlehill Trust Faculty of Laws £100 to foster staff-student relations The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Physics depart- ment £380 for radioactivation analysis Zoology department £3 740 for three years for the development of specific chemical stains for the electron microscopy of cells Civil Engineering department £1 700 for flow measurement under pulsating flow conditions Chemistry depart- ment £10 150 for the structural investigation of organic compounds Chemical Engineering department grant for the appointment of research assistant The Founders'1 Company Mechanical Engineering department £300 for studies in metallurgy International Computers and Tabulators Ltd Electrical Engineering department grant to enable student to complete his studies Lederle Laboratories Pharmacology department £426 7s 3d Leverhulme Trust Fund Geology department £600 to enable student to complete his research The Medical Research Council Physiology department grant of up to £650 for technical assistance on research into the contractile properties of striated muscle fibres Zoology department £850 for one
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