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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-418

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ANNUAL REPORT xxi The financial stringency of the last year of the quinquennium coupled with the absence of substantial accuimilated balance to bring forward from previous sessions had profound repercussions on the acquisitions policy of the Library in subjects other than Theology whose library has been financed separately and had adequate funds at its disposal Departments were accordingly asked to state the priorities of their various recommendations for additions to the Library and though it proved possible to order almost all the new books suggested the Library Committee deemed it unwise to enter into commitments for any but the most urgent periodicals and works in progress par- ticularly as there was no indication that markedly enhanced grant would be available to the Library in 1962-63 Nevertheless standing orders were placed for sixteen periodicals and series mainly of first reference character in science and engineering and for two important works in progress in the interest of non-theological departments twenty-three recommendations for periodicals and series and three for works in progress were deferred for financial reasons Standing orders were placed for three periodicals and four works in progress in the interest of the Faculty of Theology and four further theological perio- dicals are being received in exchange for the Journal of Ecclesiastical History which has been made available for this purpose through the good offices of its editor the Reverend Professor Dugmore In all 980 volumes and pamphlets including 256 volumes of perio- dicals have been received by purchase during the year On the other hand many volumes supplied in paper covers have been shelved un- bound as temporary economy measure To the foregoing total must be added 991 volumes and pamphlets including 340 volumes of periodicals gratefully received as gifts during the session the full list of donors is given in Appendix The most substantial gift has been the collection of 878 volumes and 336 pamphlets on theology and ecclesiastical history generously presented by the execu- tors of the late Harold King but special mention may also be made here of the welcome gift by the Executive Committee for the Fifth Centenary of the Death of Prince Henry the Navigator of the first four volumes of Poriugaliae Monumenta Cartographica and of the generosity of theological student Mr Aaron Krolenbaum in presenting copy of the rare Niirnberg Polyglot New Testament of 1602-3 An examination of the conditions under which scientific and technical periodicals are used has led to the imposition of further restrictions on the loan of such journals thereby ensuring that those more frequently referred to are available in the Library every day as result twenty- four periodicals of reference character are now confined to the Library eighty-three may be borrowed overnight only sixty-seven in the Physics Research library may be borrowed for three days only and 282 further titles may be borrowed for one week only The Library Com- mittee has regretted the impracticability at the present time of making scientific periodicals available during longer hours in the vacation but
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