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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-409

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xii ANNUAL REPORT Imperial College He was elected an Assooiate Member of the Institu- tion of Civil Engineers Mr O'H Mclnnes was appointed Assistant Lecturer in German at the University of Edinburgh Mr Mutter was appointed Lecturer in English at the Uni- versity of Sussex Dr Pitcher was appointed to the George Herdman Chair of Geology at the University of Liverpool Dr Robertson was appointed to the Library Committee of the Royal Institution He was elected Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chemistry Dr Scott was appointed to the Chair of Mathematics at the University of Sussex Dr Sutcliife was awarded the Sc degree of the University of London He was appointed General Secretary of the Society for Experimental Biology Mr Taylor was awarded University Postgraduate Medical Travelling Fellowship which will enable him to work for one session at McGill University Mr Thompson was awarded post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Texas Dr Weightman was elected to the Consul of the Foderation Britannique des comites de l'Alliance Fran9aise and also to the com- mittee of the London Library Dr Μ Wilkins was awarded jointly with two other biophysicists the 1962 Nobel Prize for Medicine for discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids The following became Recognized Teachers of the University of London during the session Dr Barnard Mr Bland Mr Draper Dr Mendel the Reverend Owen Mr Reeve Dr Speirs Dr Wilkinson Dr Wolpert IV Past and Present Students The department to which the student belonged is indicated in brackets Dr Adams Chemistry was appointed Lecturer at the Uni- versity of Leicester Mr Adams Spanish was appointed Assistant Lecturer at Trinity College Dublin Dr Batts German was appointed Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia Mr Bennett German was appointed Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Phonetics University College London Dr Bolton Physics was appointed to the Foundation Chair of Theoretical Physics in Monash University Australia Dr Butler Chemistry was given postdoctoral award at Cornell University
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