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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-359

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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 361 Elected Same Faculty 1954 Tyere David Henry Shield LL Laws 1954 Tyrrell Michael John Sc Science 1953 Upton Michael Gawthorne Theology 1962 Uren Roland Charles Medicine 1962 Urquhart Colin Theology 1950 Utley Edward Jacob Theology 1954 Vail Bruce Sturgis Arte 1959 Van Den Bossche Margaret Elizabeth Sc Science 1962 Vardy Peter Ivan Medicine 1962 Vaughan Roger Maxwell Theology 1962 Vaughton Norman Denis Sc Science 1957 Veal Terence William Erwin Sc Science 1954 Veale Michael Raymont Sc Science 1953 Venus John Charles Theology 1956 Vincent nte Watson Sally Arte 1954 Vincent Sidney Percy Theology 1961 Vollam Geoffrey William Theology 1952 Vonberg Michael Arts 1950 1955 Walbyoff Muriel Arte 1962 Walder Terry John Sc Science 1956 Walker Colin Edward Houlihan Arte 1957 Walker John Hugh Theology 1956 Walker John Trevor Sc Science 1961 Walker Judith Gay Medicine 1950 Wall Howard Sc Science 1956 Wall John George Sc Science 1955 Waller Kenneth Charles Arte 1962 Waller Sheila Lilian Medicine 1954 Walmsley Donald Sc Science 1962 Walter Michael Theology 1954 Ward Harold William Medicine 1958 Ward Jeffrey Henry Arte 1962 Ward Leslie Alan James Theology 1951 1954 Warner Kathleen Beatrice Sc Science 1954 1962 Waters Marion Ann Arte 1954 Waterston Josephine Margaret Arte 1954 Watkins Derek Charles John Sc Eng Engineering 1957 Watson Brenda Gertrude Arte 1959 Watson John Theology 1962 Watson Richard John Sutton Theology 1959 Watte Anthony John Theology 1954 Watts Frank Walter Theology 1959 Webb Ann Eileen Arte 1952 Webb Maurice Clifford Arte 1952 Webb Pauline Mary Arte 1961 Webster Peter John Sc Science 1957 Wedd Jennifer Marian Arte 1954 Welford John Sc Science 1950 Wells Margaret Amy Sc Science 1950 1953 Wensley John Ettery Theology 1962 Wesson Ian McMillan Medicine 1959 Westmoreland Margaret Arte 1962 Whale David Frank Arte 1965 Whalley Michael Thomas Theology 1961 Wheale Roger David John Arte 1953 Whitby Mary Sc Science 1962 White Anthony Medicine 1950
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