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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-355

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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 357 Elected Name Faculty 1952 Proctor Dorothy Mary Sc Science 1954 Proctor Hugh Sc Eng Engineering 1956 Prophet nee Pratt Elizabeth Jennifer Anne Arte 1950 1951 1962 Pryor John Pembro Medicine 1961 Puleston Mervyn Pedley Theology 1961 Purdell-Lewis John Geoffrey Sc Science 1959 Purdy Sheila Jean Sc Science 1957 Pyatt Noel Watson Theology 1952 Pyle Thelma Mary Arte 1956 1953 Rainforth John Henry Philip Sc Science 1962 Bamphal Shridath Surendranath LL Laws 1951 1962 Ramsay Alan Burnett Theology 1959 Raper David John Arte 1957 Rapson Jane Mary Arte 1960 Ratcliffe Frances Anne Arte 1952 Ray Eric Walter Sc Science 1956 Rea Philip Charles Sc Science 1958 Reasbeck Colin Arthur Arte 1960 Beed Jane Margaret Arts 1962 Reeves David Sc Eng Engineering 1955 Reid Herbert Alan Theology 1936 Renwick George Robert Theology 1950 Restall Gerald Dalton 1953 Rex Keith Leslie Herbert Theology 1959 Rhodes-Wrigley James Theology 1956 Richards Anne Vincent Thomas Arte 1962 Bichards Charles Dennis Vincent Theology 1952 Richards John Morgan Sc Science 1956 Ridd John Cyril Sc Science 1962 Bidley Michael Edward Theology 1954 Ridley Robert George Sc Science 1957 Ridout Christopher John Theology 1958 Rigg John Christopher Sc Science 1963 Biley Peter Gladwell Sc Science 1950 1958 Ritson Arthur William David Theology 1962 Robbie Janet Arts 1959 Roberts Barry John Sc Science 1958 Roberts Frederick John Medicine 1962 Roberts John Sc Science 1954 Roberts Mervyn Taft Sc Eng Engineering 1954 Robertson-Kellie Alexander Thomas More Arte 1951 Robins Ian Donald Theology 1958 Robins Kenneth John Arte 1959 Robinson David Francis Sc Science 1961 Robinson James Henry Sc Science 1962 Robinson John Kenneth Theology 1951 1954 Robinson Peter Dennis Sc Science 1959 Bobinson Boy David Theology 1962 Roblin Graham Henry Theology 1958 Robson George Theology 1962 Robson Ian Christopher Sc Science 1958 Bobson John Phillips Theology 1959 Robson Peter Medicine 1957 Rodaway Keith Gilbert Sc Eng Engineering 1962 Roe Peter Harold Theology 1962 Roessler David Martyn Sc Science
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