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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-350

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352 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty 1958 Joseph Robin Lyal Sc Science 1958 1962 Juden Gordon Arts 1957 Julius Gwendolyn Sheila Arts 1961 Julius Willem Paul Sc Eng Engineering 1959 Kaye Alan Roger Sc Eng Engineering 1959 Keeley Roger Theology 1957 Keen Arthur Malvern Sc Science 1953 Keen Sheila Arts 1956 Kelly Edward William Moncrieff Theology 1956 Kendriek Flora Hazel Arts 1954 Kennedy Joan Arts 1958 Kennett Douglas Bryan Sc Eng Engineering 1959 Kent Peter John LL Laws 1957 Kesby Brian Reginald Medicine 1958 King Margaret Sc Science 1960 King Michael Peter Arts 1962 King Patricia Helen Arts 1962 Kings Olive Beaumont Sc Engineering 1962 Kings Peter Robert Theology 1965 Kirby Ian John Arts 1957 Kirby Jean Elizabeth LL Laws 1962 Kirk John Andrew Theology 1950 1952 Kirkland Robert Knowles Arts 1962 Knibb Michael Anthony Theology 1950 Knight Barbara Violet Arts 1956 Knight Cynthia Helen Arts 1961 Knowles Ann Arts 1954 Knowles Brown John Henry Theology 1959 Knowles Susan Carolyn Arts 1962 Koenig Charles Julian Arte 1956 Kohner Jeno George Theology 1958 Laird Michael John Sc Science 1954 Lambert Derek Myers Sc Eng Engineering 1962 Lambert Ian Kenneth Sc Science 1956 Lambert Robert Wilson Sc Science 1961 Lang Edna Sc Science 1959 Lasch Klaus Bernhard Sc Science 1952 1962 Lawrence Gerald Norman Sc Engineering 1962 Lawrence Raymond Franklin Arts 1958 Arts 1957 Leah William Albert Arts 1962 Leathern Brigid Mary Sc Scienc 1959 Lee Brian Harvey Sc Eng Engineering 1962 Leech Kenneth Arts 1955 Leeke Faith Elizabeth Arte 1958 1962 Legg Michale Gordon Sc Science 1957 Leggott Ann Margaret Arts 1960 Leigh Arnold Robert Theology 1963 Lemon Veronica Joan Arts 1952 Lendrum Anne Bosemary Arts 1951 1962 Leonard Frances Mary Arts 1951 Lester Derek Noel Reed Arts 1956 Lewis John Sc Science 1959 Lewis Roland John Sc Science 1959 Lightowlers Edward Charles Sc Science 1962 Lindgren Richard Ernest Sc Science 1951 Lineham Peter Arthur Arts
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