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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-347

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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 349 Elected Name Faculty 1952 Gordon Margaret Jean Arte 1962 Gore Brian Alfred Sc Science 1956 Gorringe Alan Arthur Sc Science 1954 Gould David Linnhe Arts 1951 Theology 1959 Gould Peter Sc Science 1958 Graham Janet Sc Science 1951 1961 Grainger Hugh GeofErey Bentall Theology 1954 Grant Edward Hector Sc Science 1952 Grant Rodney Arthur Theology 1955 Gray Donald Clifford Theology 1950 1961 Green David Howard Sc Science 1954 Green John Theology 1954 Green Leslie James Theology 1956 Greenfield Ian David Theology 1962 Grellier Brian Rodolph Theology 1962 Grey Roger Derrick Masson Theology 1952 Griffiths Geoffrey Ernest Theology 1963 Griffiths Marjorie Frances Sc Science 1957 Griffiths Thomas Theology 1953 Grindell Duncan Holmes Sc Eng Engineering 1955 Groom Anthony John Wigton Arts 1962 Gross Jennifer Ann Sc Science 1962 Grundy David James Medicine 1950 Gunner Reginald Arthur Henry Arts 1956 Gunstone Richard Frank Sc Science 1954 Gurnett Sybil Ann BA Arte 1955 Gurr Ralph Sydney Theology 1953 Hackshall Brian Leonard Theology 1962 Hailey Robert Arts 1959 Haldane Joan Aitken Arts 1961 Hammond Sara Ann Arts 1952 Arte 1958 Hannen Peter Douglas Theology 1959 Hansford Keir Lewis LL Laws 1959 Hardaker lan Alexander Theology 1954 Hardaker Leonard Theology 1956 Harding Geoffrey Wright LL Laws 1952 Hare Ian Robert Arte 1951 1957 Harrington William Harry Theology 1962 Harris Brian William 1962 Harrison Christopher Joseph Theology 1950 Harrison John Rufford Sc Science 1962 Harrison Peter John Theology 1958 Harrison Roy Theology 1954 Harte Frederick George Theology 1952 Hartley Herbert Theology 1954 Harvey Clifford Maurice Arts 1962 Haskell George Purkiss Sc Science 1961 Haslam Jean Elizabeth BA- Arts 1962 Hattersley Peter John Sr Science 1962 Hawes Michael Rowell Theology 1962 Hawker Brian Henry Theology 1953 Hawkins Denis Alan Sc Science 1962 Hawkins Donald John Theology 1958 Hawkins Roger David William Theology 1961 Hawkins Rosemary Irene Sc Science 1956 Hawkins Shirley Elizabeth Sc Science 957 Haworth Christine Sc Science
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