Calendar: 1963-1964 Page 344
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346 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty 1955 Cook Kenneth Herbert Theology 1962 Cook John Barry Sc Science 1962 Cook John Edward Theology 1958 Cooke John Stephen Theology 1959 Cooley Peter Sc Eng Engineering 1958 Cooling Derrick William Theology 1954 Coombs Richard John Theology 1952 Cooper Cecil Clive Theology 1962 Cooper Michael Leslie Arts 1958 Copping John Frank Walter Victor Theology 1959 Copus Brian George Theology 1959 Corbett John Anthony Medicine 1962 Cordell Neville Garth 1955 Corke John Harry Theology 1952 Cornelius Donald Eric Theology 1959 Costin John Henry Wellington Sc Eng Engineering 1951 1961 Coton Kenneth Walter Arts 1960 Court Kenneth Reginald Theology 1955 Cox Leslie Richard Sc Science 1958 1954 Craske Leslie Gordon Theology 1958 Oraske Stephen Medicine 1957 Cromwell Valerie Arts 1962 Cross Charles Michael Sc Science 1954 Crump John Theology 1961 Crumpton Colin Theology 1958 Crutchlow Sonia Boyce Sc Science 1959 Cuddeford Robin Clive Sc Eng Engineering 1958 Cummings Robert Arts 1962 Cunnold David Alan Theology 1951 1951 Dack Paul Marven Theology 1955 Daker Ann Christine Arts 1957 Daley Pamela Sc Science 1950 Theology 1959 Darby Graham Arts 1958 Darby Peter George Medicine 1954 Darby William John Sc Science 1962 Darke Gordon Paul Sc Science 1962 Davey John Henry Herbert LL Laws 1958 David Michael Anthony Louis Theology 1955 Davies David Ian Sc Science 1953 Davies Dennis William Theology 1962 Davies Gary Theology 1954 Davies Herbert Stanley Medicine 1954 Davies Stephen Walter Theology 1956 Davies William James Keith Arts 1962 1962 Daw David Michael Arts 1958 Dawe Colin Frederick Theology 1957 Arts 1954 Dawson Clarice Nellie Sc Science 1962 Day Colin Michael Sc Science 1962 Day Michael Theology 1951 Dean Doreen Mary Arts 1955 de Brisay Robert Michael Delacour Theology 1958 De Heer Nicholas Andrew Medicine 1962 Denford Keith Wilkie Theology 1952 Dennis Pamela Arte 1959 Dent Sarah Helen Arts 1957 De Pury Andrew Robert Theology
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