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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-342

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344 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty 1962 Briggs Frank Sc Science 1950 Arte 1963 Broadhead Alan John Medicine 1961 Brogden Irene Arte 1952 Bromidge Robert Harold Theology 1956 Brook Charles John Theology 1951 1957 Broomfield June Emily Arte 1958 Brown Alec Charles Theology 1962 Brown Christoper Theology 1951 Brown Colin Bertram Sc Eng Engineering 1951 Brown John Denis Theology 1960 Brown John Roger Theology 1961 Brown John Stuart Medicine 1957 1963 Brown Lorna Audrey Medicine 1956 Brown Patricia Mary Sc Science 1962 Brown Peter John Christopher Arthur Arts 1954 Browne Michael Sc Science 1956 Brownhill Lynn Frances Sc Science 1959 Bruno Allan David Theology 1960 Bryant Christopher Theology 1961 Bryant David Henderson Theology 1950 Bryant Kenneth Marrable Medicine 1954 Bucknall Ann Gordon Sc Science 1957 Arte 1954 Buffee Leslie John Theology 1958 Arts 1959 Bullock Brian David Sc Science 1956 Bunker John Herbert George Theology 1962 Buontempo David John Sc Science 1949 Burch Cyril John Theology 1950 Burke Joseph Sc Science 1955 Burley David Michael Sc Science 1950 Burn Lois Almond Arte 1956 Burns John MacDonald Theology 1954 Burnstook Geoffrey Sc Science 1959 Burroughs Edward Graham Theology 1952 Burrow Clive James Godart Sc Science 1954 Burrow Colin Dennis Sc Science 1962 Burrows Joseph John Arts 1957 Burrows Samuel Reginald Theology 1963 Burt David Ronald Arts 1951 Burtt nie Fowler Irene Marion Arte 1962 Butcher Geoffrey Arthur Sc Science 1959 Butler Anthony Robert Sc Science 1961 Butler Hazel Mary Arte 1954 Butler Robert Clifford Theology 1952 Butler Roy Henry Sc Science 1955 Butler Theophilus Laurence Sc Science 1962 Byles Peter Henry Medicine 1959 Calder Alastair Chisholm Sc Eng Engineering 1954 Caley John Walter Arte 1959 Callaghan Harry Theology 1958 Cambray Frank William Sc Science 1954 Cameron Donald James Sc Science 1958 Cameron Gordon Andrew LL Laws 1956 Arte 1957 Campbell Ian David Theology 1958 Campbell Ian Duncan Arte 1956 Campbell Jacques Marcel Stuart Sc Eng Engineering 1957 Cannon Alan George Arte
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