Calendar: 1963-1964 Page 341
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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 343 Elected Same Faculty 1953 Bennett Arnold Ernest Theology 1962 Bennett Pamela Margaret BA Arte 1953 Benny Alan Hugh Berger Sc Science 1957 Bentley Frank William Henry Theology 1961 Bernard Arlette Myra BA Arts 1951 1950 1960 Bevan John Acton Sc Medicine 1958 Biles David George Theology 1962 Billinge Roy Sc Science 1962 Binks Edmund Vardy Theology 1958 Birch Peter Charles Henry Sc Eng Engineering 1957 Birch Thomas Reginald Theology 1962 Bird John Daniel Henry Sc Medicine 1959 Birtwistle James Sanderson Sc Science 1950 1962 Blackburn Dorothy Jean Sc Science 1959 Blackman David John Sc Science 1959 Blackmore Angela Sc Science 1954 Blackmore Geoffrey Frank Theology 1962 Bland Ian Martyn Arts 1961 1952 Boardman William Theology 1959 Boileau Rosemary Janet Arts 1961 Bolton Sonia Grace Medicine 1951 1954 Bonham Alan John Sc Eng Engineering 1962 Bonser David Theology 1951 Boorer Audrey Joan Sc Science 1962 Booth Derek Theology 1955 Booth Geoffrey Campion Sc Science 1957 Boothroyd June LL Laws 1961 Botham Frank Greenwood LL Laws 1961 Botting Henry Alfred Theology 1952 Botting Michael Hugh Sc Science 1958 Bottomore Joyce Margaret Arte 1962 Botwright Sheila Mary Arts 1958 Boulderstone Pamela Rose Arts 1958 Bourne Michael Theology 1962 Bowen Windsor Frederick Richard Sc Eng Engineering 1959 Bower June Olive Arte 1962 Bowers Brian Peter Sc Eng Engineering 1950 1962 Bowers Peter Villiam Albert Theology 1952 Bowles Ronald Leonard Theology 1959 Bown Angela Elizabeth Sc Science 1958 Boyce Douglas George Sc Science 1962 Boyden Peter Frederick Sc Science 1956 Bradbury Alan Harry Theology 1958 Bradbury George Graham Theology 1962 Braithwaite Colin Jeffrey Ronald Sc Science 1962 Brandon Phyllis Patricia Arts 1963 1957 Brecknell Geoffrey William Jackson Sc Eng Engineering 1957 Breeze Muriel Joy Sc Science 1962 Brennand John Kinder Medicine 1958 Brenton Hilda Jean Arte 1958 Brewer John Edward Arts 1962 Brewer Peter David Arts 1962 Bridge Francis Roy Arts 1962 Bridger Malcolm John Theology 1951 Arts
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