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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-33

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32 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY Dean The Rev Canon Evans Durham-Dean of King's College The Faculty consists of Appointed and Recognised Teachers of the Uni- versity drawn from University of London King's College and King's College Theological Department The Rev Ackkoyd Th London Ph Camb -Samuel Davidson Professor of Old Testament Studies The Rev Dugmore Oxford-Professor of Ecclesiastical History The Rev Evans Camb -Professor of New Testament Studies Lewis Wales Litt Oxford-Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion The Rev Mascall Sc London Oxford Camb -Professor of Historical Theology The Rev Nineham Oxford-Professor of Divinity The Rev Parrinder London-Reader in the Comparative Study of Religions The Rev Simon London-Reader in Theology The Rev Owen Oxford-Reader in the Philosophy of Religion The Rev Jasper Leeds-Lecturer in Liturgical Theology In preparing students for University degrees in Theology the Faculty is assisted by lecturers from the Theological Department and by Patrick Collinson Camb Ph London-Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History Morna Hooker Bristol-Lecturer in Divinity KING'S COLLEGE THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Dean The Rev Canon Evans Durham-Dean of King's College The Rev Mascall Sc London Oxford Camb -Professor of Historical Theology The Rev Simon London-Reader in Theology The Rev Coleman LL London -Lecturer and Chaplain of King's College The Rev Coggins Oxford-Lecturer and Sub-Warden of King's College Theological Hostel The Rev Jasper Μ Α Leeds-Lecturer in Liturgical Theology The Rev John Robinson Th London-Lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament The Rev Reginald Trueman Camb Manchester-Lecturer Margaret Edwards Β Α London-Tutor to Women Theological Students The Rev Gordon Huelin Ph London-Part-time Tutor and Lecturer Joan Bernard Oxford London-Temporary part-time Tutor and Lecturer Ε Warrell -Lecturer in Music Audrey Bullard -Lecturer in Speecli Training Fourth Year College Warminster The Rev Townroe Oxford-Warden The Rev Cutt Cambridge-Sub-Warden The Rev Hacker Oxford-Chaplain leave of absence during session 1963-64
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