Calendar: 1963-1964 Page 298
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300 FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE 1962-63 Craig Gary Martin StafXell Crimes Philip Alexander Cropper Marek William Ralph Crosby John Crouch Stephen John Croucher Geraldine Evelyn Maureen Crowther Paul Andrew Cruse Frances Rosalind Cundill Michael Albert Curnow Howard Dagnail Bernard limit John Darling Alexander Litster Darling David Hutton Christopher Davies Beth Davis Robert Graham Dearing Kathleen Mary de Neumann Paul Gerard Denham Paul Deniset Jacqueline Moira De Vrye Charmian Elizabeth Dixon John Howard Dixon Rosemarie Dobson Pamela Anne Dodd Allan John Dodsworth Peter Done John Newton Douglas Georgina Lundy Doust Harry Dunthorne Lesley Ruth Dwight Janet Rhoda Dyer Eric John Earle Michael John Gordon Edmunds Gwilym Edwards Bryan Eisel John Christian Eley Pauline Ann Ellis Philip Bromley Evans Derrick Evans John Evans Peter Kenneth Everson Robert Arthur Clark Faller John Joseph Faulkner John Aylmer Fawcett Victor Fellowes David Feltham Kenys Leigh Fifield Barbara Ethel Fletcher Winston Ross Flowerday Peter Flowers Timothy John Fordham Kenneth George Forster Douglas Launcelot Foster Sydney Stephen David Fox Richard Anthony Franks Peter Robert Fraser Charles Andrew French Michael Robin Fricker Neil Fuller Linda Gay Furniss Peter William Gallop John Harold Galloway John Galton Peter Michael Garrard David Francis Gartside Hazel Geer John Austin Cade Giblin Peter John Gilbey John Walter Guy Gilford Anthony Peter Gingell David Glen Janet Sheila Glover Simon Goddard Ian Christopher Goddard Ivor John Goddard Rosemary Diane Goodwin Brenda Valerie Gould William John Graham David Geoffrey Gray Peter Speir Green Cyril Greenhalgh Pauline Griffin John Anthony Griffith Catherine Jennifer Sinclair Grimsey Colin Robert Grist Dennis Mervyn Hackemer Gerald Charles Hadfield Christopher David Hairs Christopher Joseph Hale Peter William Halstead Robert Allen Hancock Ian Raymond Hancock John Lawrence Harrington John Malcolm Harvey Jeremy John Tertius Haselgrove John Christian Haynes Lorna Margaret Hazeldine Michael Hazell Christopher John Head Peter Charles Heginbottom John Alan Heighway William Peter Hepworth Stephen John Hibbert Frank Hicks Anthony Charles Hider Robert Charles Higenbottam-Hoyle William Harry Hilditch Catharin Judith Hills Roger Norman Hipkin John Hodges Edward Brian Holding Anthony John Holland Geoffrey John Holloway Frances Ann Holmes Nicholas John Holt John Christopher Honeyman Neil Horsfall Trevor Howard Bernard Philip Howard Laurence John Hughes Alan Gwynne Hulbert James Hulse Martin John Hunter Nicholas John
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