Calendar: 1963-1964 Page 284
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286 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY 1962-63 FOURTH YEAR COURSE AT WARMINSTER Allsop Anthony James Appleby Anthony Robert Nightingale Atkinson Michael James Bailey Brian Constable Bridger Malcolm John Brown Christopher Carpenter Derek George Edwin Chisholm Ian Keith Christian Richard Cordell Neville Garth '111111 David Alan Davies Gary Denford Keith Wilkie Devonshire Roger George Dodds Brian Martin Dubois Yves Eardtey John Barry Fairweather Peter Macphail Faulkner Roger Kearton Fenton Ian Christopher Stuart Flindall Roy Philip Geen Maurice Steadman Gosse John Hancock John Raymond Harrison Peter John Hawkins Donald John Houston John Kenneth Jarratt Robert Michael Killingley Dermot McDowell Lennox William Ernest Michael Moore James Kenneth Mulart Alexander Richard Nye David Charles Perry Edward John Povey Kenneth Vincent Pritchard Colin Wentworth Ramsay Alan Burnett Ridley Michael Edward Roe Peter Harold Rowe Andrew Gidleigh Bruce Rowe Cyril Ashton Russell John Arthur Sausby John Michael Skinner Leonard Harold Thomson Russell Urquhart Colin Vaughan Roger Maxwell Walter Michael Watson Richard John Sutton Whittaker Peter Harold Willard John Fordham Williams David Denoon Williams David John Woods David Winston Woods Norman Harman OCCASIONAL STUDENTS Bogle James Parker Reginald Henry Hackett Michael Paul Stevens Ralph Lewington David Charles POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Ambalavanar David Jeyaratnam London Serampore Day Terence Patrick Drummond Lewis Addison Harvard Th Franklyn Bichard Langdon LL Melbourne Gaba Christian Bobert Mclvor James Stanley Edin- burgh Martin Ralph Philip Manchester Mitchell Peter James Oleen Viggo Norskov Michigan Washington Th Princeton Owen David Maldwyn Wales Parratt John King Parsons Montague Richard Durham Th Rusling Geoffrey William Oxford Thiselton Anthony Charles Trueman Beginald Cambridge Manchester Walker Michael John
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