Calendar: 1963-1964 Page 220
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FACULTY OF THEOLOGY 221 which testifies to their fitness for admission to Holy Orders and are recommended to the Council for election as Associates of King's College London No one is entitled to describe himself as or to wear the hood even though he may have passed the examination until he has received his diploma from the Council There are now more than 700 Theological Associates on the roll The Theological Society endeavours to bind together the Associates of the Faculty by means of various meetings including an annual Reunion in College on Whit Tuesday an Autumn Meeting at the Hostel northern Reunion after Easter and by the publication annually of the Newsletter The magazine of the Department The Kingsman is published each autumn All ordination candidates in addition to being accepted by the Pro- fessorial Board are required to gain acceptance of their candidature for Holy Orders and be recommended for training by selectors appointed by the Bishops through the Central Advisory Council for the Ministry At the same time as application is made to King's College students should therefore make their cases known to the Secretary of Tufton Street In December 1947 the Central Advisory Council for the Ministry recommended to the Bishops that King's College ordinand should not be regarded as having completed his training unless he has covered the full course prescribed by King's College three years in London followed by one year at Warminster This recommendation was unanimously adopted by the Diocesan Bishops in January 1948 Students who are preparing for Holy Orders are reminded that the Bishops require testimonials from three beneficed clergymen in addition to the University degree or the College Associateship and Testamur It is desirable therefore that students should keep themselves within the personal knowledge of three beneficed clergymen during the whole of the three years previous to the date of ordination Students over the age of thirty are reminded that they are regarded by as being in special category and the acceptance of their candidature by Bishop is required as well as recommendation for training from Board before they can be admitted to the Faculty WOMEN STUDENTS Women students are prepared for the degree and for the Uni- versity Certificate of Proficiency in Religious Knowledge Particulars are given on pages 229-230 of this prospectus and in separate leaflet
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