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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-129

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128 FACULTY OF LAWS COURSES OF STUDY I-FOR THE LL DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON The course for the LL degree extends over three years The Intermediate Examination is taken at the end of the first year and the two parts of the Final Examination at the ends of the second and third years respectively Intermediate LL Course The Intermediate Course is one-year course and prepares students for the Intermediate Examination in the following subjects Constitutional Law The English Legal System Elements of the Law of Contract and either History and Outlines of Roman Private Law or Elements of French Civil Law Candidates must enter for the Special Intermediate Examination held in June in each year which is Pass examination only candidate who fails to reach the minimum standard in one subject only but whose performance in the remaining subjects is of sufficient merit may be referred and permitted to present himself for re-examination in that subject at subsequent Intermediate Examination either in the follow- ing September or thereafter He must however pass in the referred subject before entering for Part of the Final Examination Candidates who enter for the Special Intermediate in June and are unable to sit for the whole or part of that examination or fail to satisfy the examiners and are granted special permission to re-enter which will be given only in exceptional circumstances may enter for the General Intermediate Examination in September The option in Elements of French Civil Law as an alternative to Roman Law is available at King's College as from October 1964 and will only be open to students who have taken French for the at level or have equivalent qualifications All other students must take Roman Law Final LL Courses candidate for admission to Part of the LL Examination must have passed the Intermediate Examination in Laws at least one academic year previously candidate for admission to Part II must have matriculated at least three academic years previously and have passed Part or have obtained permission to enter for it at the same time as for Part II Such permission will be granted only in exceptional circumstances There is no exemption from either part
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