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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1963-1964-116

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classes 115 WAR STUDIES Head of the Department Professoe Michael Eliot Howard Courses will be arranged as required in the following subjects for General students offering War Studies for History Honours students offering the Optional Subject War and Military Organisation in the West and others interested AZ -Military Aspects of European History 1400-1918 AZ3-Military Aspects of International History 1918-1945 AZ3-Problems of National and International Security since 1945 For History Honours students only The Franco-German War 1870-71 For relevant courses at the London School of Economics and for courses arranged by the Faculty of Laws students should consult the Head of the Department Courses for postgraduate students will be arranged as required THEOLOGY Head of the Theological Department The Reverend Canon Sydney Hall Evans Dean of King's College I-Courses for the Diploma for non-theological students Under the terms of the King's College London Transfer Act 1908 the Council is required to provide weekly lecture in Theology The time-tables are so arranged as to allow any student who wishes it to attend these lectures but no one may be compelled to do so To meet this requirement the lectures are delivered on Mondays at 10 The lectures are designed for students desiring the Associateship of King's College and are provided without extra fee For the regulations governing the award of the Associateship to non-theological students see 44 II-Courses for the General Examination Courses are provided in the following four subjects of which each candidate must offer three Zj-Greek Testament Grammar of the Greek Testament and un- prepared translation prepared books from the New Testament translation exegesis and introduction z2-Church History Early Church history to 325 Z3-Philosophy of Religion the purpose and scope of the Phil- osophy of Religion the relation of religion to morality art and science Theistic and anti-theistic theories and modes of Theistic proof the relation to God to the world and to man the problem of evil immortality reason and revelation Z4-Biblical and Historical Theology one of the following subjects prescribed in the University regulations for alternate years The Person of Christ an examination of the Biblical data for doctrine of the Person of Christ an historical survey of ancient Christologies up to 451 modern theories The Work of Christ an examination of the Biblical data for doc- trine of the Work of Christ an historical survey of the chief soterio- logical theories modern theories of Atonement and Redemption
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