Calendar: 1963-1964 Page 107
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106 FACULTY OF ARTS DIVINITY The Revd Professor Dennis Eric Nineham Courses in Divinity are given in the Faculty of Theology and are open to Arts students ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY The Revd Professor Clifford William Dugmore I-B General Z2-Church History Early Church History to 325 hr II-B Honours History Branch II Optional Subject Ae-The Ecclesiastical History of Western Europe 1400 to 1700 hr ii Special Subject A14-Church Society and Government in England 1530 to 1570 Π hrs Ill-B Pass and Honours The Church to 451 hrs The Church in the West in the Sixteenth Century hrs Religious and Ecclesiastical Movements 1848-1948 hrs IV-Postgraduate and Research Work Courses will be arranged as required EDUCATION Head of the Department Professor Arthur Valentine Judges Sc Econ Aj--Principles of Education -The English Educational System A3-Educational Psychology A4-History of Education A6-Comparative Education -Further Educational Psychology -Speech Training A8-Health Education -Teaching Methods and Visual Aids A10-School Practice ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Head of the Department Professor Geoffrey Bullough I-B General Ζ lst year Practical Criticism hr Zj- lst year English Literary Forms hr 1st year Introduction to Chaucer and Early Drama hr Z4- 2nd year and Subsidiary Old English hrs Z6- 3rd year and Subsidiary Old and Middle English hr
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