Calendar: 1962-1963 Page 408
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ANNUAL REPORT xix in the present year This figure includes the cost of salaries and super- annuation of the academic library technical and clerical staff of the College as well as expenditure on departmental and laboratory main- tenance and library costs Maintenance of Premises showed an increase from £143 100 to £151 200 including more paid in Bates for Heat Light Water and Power and for increases in the wages of the Maintenance staff The total expenditure for the year was £1 023 800 and the total income was £1 018 300 showing deficit of £5 500 on the year's working Both the men's hostels were full throughout the session At King's College Hall there was surplus of £800 £600 last year and at Halliday Hall surplus of £1 500 £2 200 last year At each Hall the vacation lettings were very good but if the items authorized by the University Grants Committee as charge against College Expenditure-rent rates external repairs maintenance of grounds and the wardens' salaries-had been included in the Hall accounts there would have been deficit on the year's working at both hostels During the year 1960-61 capital grants totalling £54 417 were made available to the College by the University Grants Committee through the Court of the University Of this £29 815 was for the acquisition of freehold and leasehold property £19 770 for constructional work and £4 832 for furniture and equipment 10 BENEFACTIONS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH The Delegacy of the College gratefully acknowledge benefactions and grants in aid of research as indicated from the following sources The Agricultural Research Council Zoology department £663 for one year tick and other arthropod-borne diseases Zoology department £1 910 for equipment for research on the fractionation of cell surfaces Zoology department £1 036 amoeboid movement Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd Mechanical Engineer- ing department £500 for two years vibration grinding Mr Ehy Powder Science foundation of an annual prize of ten guineas for the best research student Mr Cotty Professor Champion Physics department collection of one hundred counting diamonds The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Physics depart- ment £4 640 over four years the propagation of extremely low-fre- quency radio waves Physics department £2 250 for one year the optical and related properties of diamond near the fundamental observa- tion age Physics department gift of equipment originally made available for investigations on nuclear processes Chemical Engineering department £2 255 over one year and £2 300 for equipment the produc- tion of carbides applicable to thermonuclear work Chemistry depart- ment £6 300 stereochemical investigation of addition compounds of
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