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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1962-1963-358

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360 REGISTER OF ASSOCIATES Cramp Leslie Church Road Oldswinford Stourbridge Worcs Crotch Walter Β 19 Richmond Bridge Mansions East Twickenham Middlesex Cursetjee Manochjee Sc Eng The Paddocks Hook Norton near Banbury Oxon Curtis Miss Jessie see Beattie Curtis Samuel Brackenlea Becton Lane Barton-on-Sea Hants Daines Rev John Th Address wanted Dakin Rev John Thrapston Rectory Kettering Northants Dams Rev John Wonford Road Exeter Dartnall Miss Winifred see Whitehouse Davenport William Α 426 Unthank Road Norwich Norfolk Davey John Η LL Maltepe Abbey Road Sudbury Suffolk Davies David Sc Ph 17 Linton Crescent Leeds 17 Davies Herbert 72 Old Road East Gravesend Kent Davies Rodney LL 24 South Leigh Road Warblington Havant Hants Davis Russell Sc Crescent Way Brockley Davis Rev Stephen St Augustine's Rectory 106 Fulham Road Brixton Johannesburg Africa Daw Maurice Ε 268 Abel Road Greengrove Greendale Rhodesia Dawe The Rev Roy Waldron Rectory Heathfield Sussex Dawson Miss Clarice Sc Stockton Lane Stafford Day Michael St Philip's Rectory Newcastle Street Manchester 15 de Brisay Rev Flat St Stephen's Vicarage 13 Dexter John 163 Roman Bank Skegness Lines Dibden Edgar Η Sc Prinsted Farmhouse Prinsted nr Emsworth Hants Dickinson Rev Frank Channel View Bexhill-on-Sea Sussex Dickinson Rev Wilfrid The Vicarage Chigwell Essex Dickson Alexander 10 Clarence Road Chiswick Dinsmore Eric Sc Principal The County Technical College Weybridge Surrey Dobson Mrs Catherine nee Nourse Flat Dedworth Manor Windsor Berks Docking Miss Eleanor Α LL 32 Glebe Hyrst Sanderstead Surrey Dollar Archibald Sc Ph Cantab 12 Heathurst Road Sanderstead Surrey Doney Marcus Ridley House Cramlington Northumberland Doran Rev Sidney The Vicarage Bray Berks Douglas Miss Joy Μ See Gardner Drinkwater Rev Frank Sc St Lawrence's Vicarage Shaw Street Mansfield Notts D'Silva Professor John Ph Sc 36 Avenue Road St Albans Herts Duell Mrs nee Belderson Address wanted
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