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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1962-1963-271

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272 STUDENT DEMONSTRATORS Student Demonstrators may be appointed by the Delegacy on the nomination of the Professors to give assistance in practical work in the Scientific Departments of the College under the following conditions Candidates must be students who have completed with dis- tinction the final year course of study in the subject in which it is proposed that they should assist Student Demonstrator will pay the fees prescribed for the course he is pursuing but may receive from the Delegacy an honora- rium in recognition of the services rendered by him to the College Barlow Donald Frederick Chemistry Bingley Michael Zoology Cole Robin John Zoology Cotton Deirdre Montgomery Zoology Cripps Robert Frank Mathematics Denison David Maurice Pharmacology Duell Michael John Chemistry Foster William Rees Chemistry Fuller Watson Physics Gerber Gerald Joseph Mathematics Gordon Julian Physics Harris Peter Victor Physics Holmes Enid Gillian Chemistry Inglis Stuart Arthur Physics Jackson William Roy Chemistry Lambert Robert Wilson Chemistry Lancaster Dorothy Mary Botany Lee Harry Andro Pharmacology Letley Eric Pharmacology Male John Clement Physics Marvin Donald Arthur Physics Millman Barry Mackenzie Physics Morris Barbara Hilda Zoology Muller Ralph Louis Junius Zoology Newcombe GUlian Barbara Botany Orman Stanley Chemistry Paterson Gillian Dorothy Pharmacology Patten John Philip Pharmacology Phillips Laurence Stephen Geology Preece John Marks Pharmacology Salo-Adu Richard Kwame Pharmacology Shingleton Derek Alan Chemistry Skelhorn Raymond Richard Geology Slade Peter Chemistry Smol Gabriel Physics Spencer Michael Physics Van der Burg Michael George Julian Mathematics Ware Colin Clement Pharmacology Wilson John Patrick Physics Anderson Malcolm Francis 1959 Physiology Barnard Penelope Jean Zoology Berkoff Charles Edward Chemistry Berrangi Jevan Pierre 1959 Geology Bucknall Robert Anthony Botany Bunyan Peter John Chemistry Butler Anthony Robert Chemistry Coe John Seward Chemistry Dawson Peter Henry Chemistry Dennison David Maurice 1959 Physiology
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