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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1962-1963-261

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262 PAST AND PRESENT STAFF 1899 Arthur Wellesley Cadman 1905 George John Jenkins 1913 Sidney Arthur Boyd Lecturers in Applied Anatomy 1925 Alwyne Oompton 1939 SirOECiL PembreyGrey Wakeley Bart Sc LL Lecturer in Radiological Anatomy John Alexander Kennedy Lecturer in Special Dental Anatomy and Histology 1957 Ivan Curson 1831 1836 1838 1839 1848 1851 1870 1883 1891 1900 1905 1910 1911 1912 1912 1914 1916 1920 1907 1909 1912 Richard Partridge flenry Latter Francis Thomas McDougall John Simon William Bowman William Brinton Henry Lee Henry Hyde Salter John Wood John Curnow John Beswick Perrin Alexander Symons Kenny Arthur Wellesley Cadman George John Jenkins CM John Ernest Sullivan Frazer CS Stanley Ritson Sc Norman Claude Lake Sc 8idney Arthur Boyd Allan Purves Ch Sydney Albert Edward Mortimer-Wool CS Alwyne Oompton Violet Alice Penrose Coghill Oh Demonstrators 1922 1929 1929 1931 1932 1936 1937 1938 1939 1939 1940 1941 1943 Ernest Robert Townley Clarkson Cecil Pembrey Grey Wakeley Edward McLellan William Eldon Tucker John Holmes Moynihan RO Daniel Joseph Hurrell Sc Ch Philip Jacobs Ch Alexander Muir Murray Oh John Aitken Ch Charles Workman Maclay Sc Oh Albert Heinrich Muenter Ph Eric Victor Bryan Widdowson Eng Osier Briggs Dickinson John Bentley Audrey Ursula Smith Sc Iain Lumsden Mackinnon Ch Frank Reuben Hurford Ch CP William Townsley Oh Assistant Demonstrators Duncan FitzWilliam Ch CS Ivor Bach Cornelius Hickey Frederick Glover Neason Stephens Oh Sydney Walter Stephen Fenwick C8 Arthur Rowley Moodie Ch Mortimer-Woo If CS Honorary Demonstrators 1932 Alexander Cameron MacLeod 1936 Clement Price Thomas CS 1936 Robert Allan Fitzsimons CS Arthur Wallis Kendall Edward McLellan 1937 1938 1939 George Henderson MacNab Robert King Howat CM Harland Rees Ch Evan Horrell Denham Ch Walter Lazarus Phillips Ch Bishop of Borneo afterwards Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight and Canon of Winchester Aural Surgeon Professor of Anatomy St Mary's Surgeon Hospital Surgeon Hampstead General Hospital Surgeon German Hospital ×™ Senior Surgeon
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