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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1962-1963-24

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Page content

22 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Principal Peter Scott Noble LL Dean The Rev Canon Sydney Hall Evans Secretary Ivan Peter Shaw Registrar Aneurin Davies Bursar William Bertie Edward Euden Tutors to Women Students University of London King's College-Helen Muriel Hudson Doc d'Univ Theological Department-Margaret Lois Edwards Accountant-Ronald Alfred Chappell Head Clerk-Sydney William Tidnam Assistant to the Registrar-William Archibald Campbell Assistant Accountants-Malcolm George Ralph Wyeth Myles McDermott Temp any Administrative Assistant-Arthur Henry Steptoe Assistant Head Clerk-Frederick Walter Perryman Clerk of College Works-Frank Maurice Leighton Refectory Manageress-Aileen Edith Baker Private Secretary to the Principal-Mollie Bertha Butcher Private Secretary to the Dean-Winifred Kathleen Medway Clerks Elizabeth Mary Ahlston Ellen Mary Alder Kitty Ansty Hilda Mary Balleine Judith Christine Barber Rhoda Ellen Barrett Alice Mary Houghton Bigg Christine Jean Bishop Joan Elizabeth Castle Kathleen Elizabeth Clarke Eugene Cofman Joanna Moira Connell Barbara Anne Cook Lavlnia Cruttenden Jean Catherine Duggin Hilda Jean Duncanson Marian Elfreda Esling Robin Featherstone Shirley Ann Fuller Lesley Margaret Harding Nita Margaret Harvey Jessie Rosina Headland Nellie Doris Howarth Rosemary Frances Jex Jackson Jane Louise Elizabeth Lans- down Shirley Lifeen Valerie Ann Norwood Ann Margaret Pearson Principal Clerk Chief Nancy Edyth Pinder Esme Hannah Purfurst Pamela Margaret Mary Scarff Jill Christine Mary Scott Maryjean Stone Gillian Mary Stuart Joyce Olive Snowden Stuart Innes Kay Diane Taylor Dilys Myfanwy Gwyn Thomas Delia Mary Tindal Frances Mary Tinner Pauline Dorea Tschan Gladys Ward Kathleen Mary Whiteley Dorothy Elisabeth Williams Winifred Allison Wiseman Julia Anne Wreford Peter Kevin Connor Henry Charles Theobald Ronald Trefor Roberts Michael Giuliano Geoffrey Cuthbert Michael Bernard Harris Bryan Arthur Jackson Ian Hector Sturt Peter Edmund Parsons Andrew Richard Merton Clerks Senior Clerks
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