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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1962-1963-229

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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230 NAMES OF STAFF Name Kastner Leslie James Sc Mech Kennedy John Alexander Keys Mrs Jessie Elizabeth noe Clark Sc Ph Kilmister Cliye William Sc Ph King Edmund James Ph Kiralfv Albert Kenneth Roland LL Ph Landers William Maxwell Ph Lawrence George Richard Peter Sc Leighton Frank Maurice Lewis Donald Montague Β Α Μ Β Ohir Lewis Hywel David Litt Lightowlers Edward Charles Sc Lintott Andrew William Lofmark Carl Johan Lorscheid Renate Lue Abraham Sek-Tong Sc Macdonald-Ross Michael Inman Philip Sc M'Ewen Marjorie Bruce Sc Ph McMinn Robert Matthew Hay Ph McNelly Mary Maguinness William Stuart Marsh Alison Shirley Marshall Peter James Mascall Rev Eric Lionel Sc Mendel Dennis Metcalfe George Ph Meyer Helen Rosemary Michaels Mrs Naomi Elizabeth LL Middleton John Christopher Phil Morris David Rowland Sc Ph Chem Morrison Charles Albert Mottram Eric Noel William Muir John Victor Murray Mrs Freda May Sc Nadal Rafael Martinez Licentiate in Law Nash John Kevin Tyrie Llewellyn Newrick Charles William Chir Nicol Thomas Sc Nineham Rev Dennis Eric Title Lecturer Asst Lecturer Reader Reader Senior Lecturer Asst Lecturer Clerk of Works Lecturer Professor Demonstrator Asst Lecturer Asst Lecturer Lektorin Asst Lecturer Asst Lecturer Senior Lecturer Reader Asst Lecturer Professor Asst Librarian Lecturer Professor Lecturer Lecturer Asst Librarian Asst Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Professor Lecturer Professor Professor Subject or Department Mech Eng Radiological Anatomy Botany Mathematics Comparative Education Law French Geography Physiology History and Philosophy of Religion Physics Classics German German Mathematics Zoology Physics Anatomy Classics Latin Library History Historical Theology Physiology Botany Library Laws German Chem Eng Laws English American Literature Education Education Spanish Civil Eng Physiology Anatomy Divinity
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