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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1961-1962-460

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Page content

ANNUAL REPORT lxxix Dawes Penetration of Fascidla gigantica Cobbold 1856 into snail hosts Nature 185 331-2 Elucidation of the life cycle of Fasciola hepatica reply to Jefferies Nature 185 51-3 Parasites imaginary and real '1 Review of Professor Reinhard Hoeppli's Parasites and Parasitic Injections in Early Medicine and Science Nature 186 46-7 The penetration of Fasciola hepatica into Limnaea truncatula and of gigantica into auricularia Demonstration Trans Roy Soc Trap Med ώ Hyg 54 9-10 Parasitic animals review of the book of the same title by Dr Geoffrey Lapage Inst Biol 59-60 Appointed sub-editor of Parasitology Wolpert The mechanical properties of the cell membrane and their relation to cleavage and locomotion Symposium on The Cell Sur- face Proc Roy Soc Edin 28 107 Kendall with Mercer Ε technique for staining intracellular protein Roy Micr Soc 78 40 with Meltzer and Zimmerman Studies on effects of maintenance of hamster adrenals 171 vitro Proc Iowa Acad Sci 66 413 with Folk and Zimmerman Culture of the mature hamster adrenal Exp Cell Res In press DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Maekinnon and Mackinnon Seasonal changes in the morphology of the human suprarenal cortex Anat 93 1959 567 "Age changes in the human suprarenal cortex י Anat 93 1959 571 Morphological features of the human suprarenal cortex in men aged 20-86 years Anat 94 1960 183 The effect of artificial and natural stress on cell numbers in the medulla and cortical zones of the rat suprarenal Proc of the VHth International Congress of Anatomists Anat Rec 136 1960 319 Mackinnon Mackinnon and Thompson Hazards of the luteal phase Current Medical Digest 26 Xo 77 1959
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