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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1961-1962-453

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Page content

Ixxii ANNUAL REPORT Robertson The investigation of certain surface processes by mass spectro- metry Advances in Mass Spectrometry Pergamon Press London 1959 559 Satchell The mechanism of ac3 lation by carboxylic anhydrides in non- aqueous media catalysed by mineral acid Chem Soc 1960 1752 Williams Homolytic aromatic substitution International Series of Monographs on Organic Chemistry Vol Pergamon Press London 1960 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Atkin Ν Richards Β and Ross Angela "Deoxyribonucleic acid content of carcinoma of the uterus An assessment of its possible significance in relation to histopathology and clinical course based on data from 165 cases '1 Brit Cancer XIII 773 1959 Burge Philbert Edwards Kamal and Prowse Interactions nucleaires des pious negatifs de Bev Padua- Venice Conference Report 1958 Burge Further comments on errors in polarisation measurement Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1960 221 Definitions of resonance and exact conditions for resonance in some electrical circuits Pt 'Definitions for resonance for series and parallel LCR circuits' Pt 'Tuned coupled circuits American Journal of Physics In press Burge and Hynes "The optical rotatory power of collagen Nature 184 1959 1562 Burge and Munden Tilting and rotating specimen stage for electron microscopy and electron diffraction Sci Inst 37 1960 199 Burge and Silvester The measurement of mass thickness and density in the electron microscope Sci Inst 37 1960 199 Crocker Τ and Pelc Incorporation of rate of loss of S35-methionine by adult rat trachea in organ cultures and in living animals Biophy and Biochem Cyt 1960 283
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