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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1961-1962-374

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376 BENEFACTIONS 1946 Mb Paffobd Goldsmiths' Librarian to the University of London An autographed letter written by the poet Robert Southey on 31st July 1828 to the Rev Dr D'Oyley commenting on suggested sites for King's College Professor Edgar Prestage Some books and his notes of the lectures he delivered in the College when Camoens Professor of Portuguese 1923-36 1947 The Executors of the late Lord Blanesbubgh About 800 volumes of Reports and other Law Books from his Law Library The Ministby of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic The first two instalments of gift by the French Government to University Libraries Miss Villasantu Some valuable and rare books from the Library of her father the late Dr Villasante sometime Lecturer in Spanish in the College Mrs Cavenagh About 000 volumes dealing with various aspects of education and the history of education from the Library of her late husband Professor Cavenagh Pro- fessor of Education 1937-46 Davey Paxman and Company Ltd sectioned 12-cylinder Vee-type Paxman oil engine for the Department of Electrical Engineering The late Professor Adamson gift of books from his Library Mr Shotter number of items of apparatus developed by him for the purpose of investigating the principles of opera- tion of the induction type of electricity meter Anonymous gift of over 300 for re-furnishing the vestries in the College and at the Theological Hostel Anonymous Gifts amounting to over 700 for improvements in the College chapel Professor Η Relton The gift of his Library in College Mrs Williams gift of books to the library of the women theological students Mrs Gover Books including the 1863 Leipzig issue of the Codex Sinaiticus Mr Vlasto gift of some 800 books and pamphlets from the collection of his father Mr Vlasto for the Burrows Library of Mediaeval and Modern Greek The gift includes valuable set of lexicons dialectical glossaries and linguistic studies of all kinds Mr McCombie The loan of Megator pump for experi- mental purposes
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