Calendar: 1961-1962 Page 29
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28 Danielian Sc Ph Nottm Umt 04118ז6ז Β Giles Sc London SUB-DEPARTMENT OF BIOPHYSICS Professor Randall Μ Wilkins Camb Ph Birm Hon Lecturer Buboe Sc Ph London Tn lrBra Coombes Sc Ph Bristol cturer8 Ν Silvester Sc Ph London Assistant Lecturer Zoology Danielli Ph Camb Sc London Biol Professor Β Dawes Sc London τ ιΒΓ Arthur Sc Wales Ph Sc London Biol nBuuorB Bell Sc Ph London Cox Oxford Ph Camb Barnard Sc Ph London Wolpert Sc Rand Ph London Cox Sc Exeter Shirley Hawkins Sc Ph London assistant Lecturers ן Lecturers Cole Sc London One vacancy FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Anatomy Τ Nicol Glasgow Sc Glasgow and London Professor Sir Cecil Wakeley Bart Sc London Hon LL Glasgow Lecturer in Applied Anatomy Bllbey Ph London hb Μ Minn Ch Glasgow Ph Sheffield Mackinnon Ch New Senior Lecturer Μ Charles Sc Μ Β Ch Wales Cord in qle γ Sydney Broad London Dummer England Cooper Ch Oxford Vernon-Roberts London Kennedy London Lecturer in Radio- logical Anatomy Biochemistry Harris Camb Professor Bell Sc Durham Ph Dublin Darbre Sc Ph Birm Κ Blau Sc Ph London Lecturers Lecturers Mary Whittaker Sc Ph London Ν Spencer Sc Leeds Ph London Pharmacology Brownlee Ph London Sc Glasgow Professor Paterson Sc Pharm Glasgow Ph Londo Wilson Sc Ph London Lecturers Birmingham Sc London Physiology D'Selva Sc London Professor Buller Sc London Reader Mendel London Speirs So Ph Durham Taylor Sc London Lewis Chir Camb Wintxrton London Dunne Sc London Lecturers Dental Studies Cubson England together with members of the above staffs of the departments of Anatomy and Physiology
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